
day 5

my tack trunk is deninatly my most prized possetion. now mine isn't as pretty as this one but it represents the place i've earned at the barn which is my biggest acomplishment. and it is often the pinnicle of my life.

just thought i would share.


a person you wish you could trade places with for a day [day 5]

this is a picture of my sister right before/after/during the time that she ran away. there are four main reasons i would want to change places with her 1. to know how she could have abandoned us the way she did 2. because why looks genuinly happy and carefree, which i want to experience 3. i want to feel the type of independence that she had 4. i have powerlust plain and simple, and my sister had more power over us in her pinky than i have over my family today, and i want to know what it feels like to be powerful

day 5

my favorite memory : this was my favorite memory with my cousins, because it was at the begining of last summer which was one of the best summers of my life ;) we walked downtown from my house to the village and i kept on making one of my [male] cousins keep on holding my bag and somone though he was a MtF transgender, but also i learned so much about my family it was fun and i did cartwheels in the street and sung Kareoke and met a lot of my friends so here is basically the culmination of my night... union square.

day 4

my night was me sleeping and doing work on and off, and then getting my blood pressure taken and then being forced to eat salt which irritated my throat.

day 3

so i don't really think it shoudl matter that i'm about to do a bunch of days at once because 1. i'm sick so i can do whatever the hell i feel like 2. i didn't do it for so long and 3. no one actaully reads this so here is day 3. my the cast of my favorite tv show  thats right BIG BAND THEROY and here is why, it reminds me of what my life will most likely be like when i grow up, and its just funny as hell. i was also contimplating bones and how i met your mother.

onward! **british accent

so i havn't been blogging for like a while, simpily because i have been so busy. but.... in other new the revolt in lybia is exremly violent [bad] i am the lighting person in harspray [fine] i am sick [bad] i have fallen in love with english accents [good] one of my crushes broke up with her gf [good for me? bad for her] my wrist which was periviously kind of broken is better [good] and i now have a tumblr [good, i guess] http://fckhate.tumblr.com/ so yeah i guess thats it, and now on to day two of the 30 day challenge only like 2 weeks late
so this is me and my best friend Copie. this is not what we look like on a usual basis. we were ten AND fooling around with makeup as ten year olds often do. anyway, i met copie before i turned one and we are still really good friends [even though we now are quite different]. we grew up in the same building untill i moved in 3rd of 4th grade. copie gets me through so much its not even funny, and i love her for that, so here's to her ** lifts shot glass of water b.c. i am responsible, underage and online :D


adrea gibson is just so flapjack flipping amazing. [period end of story]

see, she is just so **falls silent into one of those whole body smile type things :)


New Blog!

so even though this is purely my spot in the inter-webs, i thought that I would say that i am making another blog, for how i think we should change,  less of the personal more of the political, it should be fun so look out for it i guess


30 day challenge?

it might take me more than 30 days but I'M  GOING TO DO IT DAMN IT!
so here we go day 1:
1. i love sushi/ almost all foo, but i'm a vegetarian 
2. i have really curly hair.
3. I refuse to do drugs/drink/have irresponsible sex/ do dumb shit untill i leave the house
4. i have a sister brother mother father dog 2 birds and a horse
5. my favorite color is gray
6. i was worried about college in 8th grade
7. i don't know what i want to be when i grow up
8. i am procrastinating right now
9. i love horses
10. and my neighborhood in NYC [Chelsea]
